The Stunning Beauty™ Bouquet is an absolutely lovely way to send your love and affection across the miles. Fragrant Stargazer lilies stretch their star-like petals across a bed of rich red roses, lavender carnations, red Peruvian lilies, purple double lisianthus, purple matsumoto asters and lush greens. Beautifully arranged in a clear square tapered glass vase, these bouquets send your warmest sentiments with glamour and grace.Lilies may arrive in various stages of development. The lily blooms will continue to open, extending arrangement life - and your recipients enjoyment.
Orders must be placed before the following times for same-day delivery:
Monday - Friday: 2 pm Eastern Standard Time
Saturday: 9 am Eastern Standard Time
(Hours may vary during holidays)
We cannot guarantee requests for a specific time of delivery.
To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florist may replace some stems in your arrangement for color or flower variety. While we always do the best to match the picture shown, sometimes different vases may be used. Any substitution made will be similar to the original design and be of equal or greater value. Your understanding is greatly appreciated